

Tomato-mozzarella-oregano cake

Summer is coming soon and I would like to urge all the fanatic ones with cakes like me to calm themselves down by doing salty cakes ! I start the sugar banning :) today by proposing to you a tomato-mozzarella cake that has my favorite oregano to boost it. Easy, fast and excellent starter for a nice dinner or a fancy aperitif.
I would add feta cheese instead of mozzarella to be honest, but I live far from Greece and feta is a precious cheese at home, especially for my daughter :)
As far as it concerns the sugar banning... it was a joke ! I am addicted to sugar, so it's not easy to ban it, for the time being, I can only lower my daily intake ...
Ready? Let's go for it then!

200gr flour
1 baking powder
3 eggs
100ml milk
100ml olive oil
salt, pepper and oregano
125gr mozzarella
several cherry tomatoes (as many as you like :)
you can improvise by adding e.g., olives, some grated yellow cheese ...

Preheat the oven at 180 degrees of Celsius and fan.
Put in a bowl all the ingredients apart from the tomatoes and the mozzarella. Mix well with a mixer for a couple of minutes and then add the mozzarella and the tomatoes cut in small pieces. Be careful to take out the grains (or whatever is their name :) of the tomatoes before adding them to the dough.
Pour in a rectangular cake mold that you have well buttered before.
Bake for about 40min or until it gets a nice golden color (see for yourself in the photo).

Share with your guests and let me know for the result!

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